What is The Derelict League?
The Derelict League is a disc golf league in Minnesota which partners with KPLeagues. They host weekly glow rounds with a handicap system and other events in the Twin Cities area.
Check out our Derelict History page for more!
How does the Handicap System Work?
Every player in KPLeagues has a backend average, to get this we use the existing data from your various KPLeagues Derelict rounds and courses played, these courses in themselves have a rating which will adjust your handicap based on difficulty. This is similar to how BOLF uses handicaps and, in a way, similar to the PDGA system. New players will not have a handicap until their round has completed. Once completed their handicap will be adjusted based on the general handicap rules (75% of average) and their round score. Everyone will end up with a negative handicap in this new system.
Total Throws – Handicap = Derelict Score
The person you’re trying to beat when playing Handicap is yourself! Not even your full self, 75% of the average version of yourself.
What do I need to bring?
All players must have one of the following:
- Quality Glow Discs
- Gorilla Taped LED Lights
- Quality Glow Tape.
Glow discs and tape should be charged prior to being thrown to make locating your disc easy on yourself and your cardmates.
Card Size:
Cards require a minimum of 3 players. The maximum we prefer is 4, especially during the Summer months, however this can be adjusted based on the LD’s discretion.
- Derelict Mixer: If you Opt-In for the Random Card Derelict Mixer we’ll assign your random card through a state of the art “Tommy using playing cards” system. Those doing the mixer will get to start on the closest holes to the parking area as an incentive to participate.
Example: If there are 16 people who want to participate, we would deal A, 2, 9, 10 cards (to make 4 person cards) which would represent the starting tee. Players with matching numbers will card up together. Players who want to play with their own card would get starting Tees 3, 4 ,7, 8 putting them further from the start.- Card with Friends: Those who already have preset cards when you arrive, we’ll set you up with holes after the mixer cards are set. If you don’t want to participate in the random mixer, you need to find a card on your own, the LDs will not help with this. Either option is perfectly fine with us! All cards must have a minimum of 3 players.
What are the rules about signups?:
Sign up before the round begins to qualify for payouts and prizes. League Directors may make exceptions in some circumstances.
Out of Bounds (OB) and Mandatory (Mando):
No OB or Mando rules in effect during Derelict League rounds.
How do Payouts Work?
- League payouts are in Gray Duck Disc Golf store credit (unless otherwise specified). Gray Duck Disc Golf
- Aces and some CTPs are paid through Venmo or store credit. You must be signed up to qualify for Cash CTPs.
- You can track your Gray Duck points here: https://squareup.com/loyalty/MLR1F79QE0ABY/
Where are all these sick CTP’s coming from?
CTPs are donated by Derelict League Members and League Directors, however for the 2024 Season, The Derelict League has been sponsored by MVP Disc Sports!
What does my entry go towards?
Breakdown of individual league entries:
$1 goes towards the Ace Pot
$1 goes into a league fund to cover lights, CTPs, and signage
$1 goes towards end of series payouts
The remainder goes back out to the players.
The Derelict League Directors feel that all money going towards our league, should go back out to our members.
Are there any other rules?
Take a look at the KPLeagues How-To for additional league information.
What can constitute removal from the league?
The Derelict League reserves the right to refuse participation in any of its events for any reason, including but not limited to:
- Harassment: Any form of harassment, including but not limited to, verbal, physical, or online harassment, directed at any player, volunteer, or staff member.
- Conduct: Unsportsmanlike conduct, including but not limited to, cheating, damaging property, or disrupting the event.
- Other Circumstances: Any other circumstances that, in the sole discretion of The Derelict League, may jeopardize the safety, enjoyment, or fairness of the event.
By participating in a Derelict League event, you agree to abide by these rules and regulations.